THETANS :- Individual beings. A Thetan is a personal being...
the Awareness of Awareness unit. Not his body or mental mass, but
simply referring to the "Awareness-ness" who is the
conscious, single individual. There is a differentiation here from a
Human Being.... as the latter is a composite of a Mind and Body also.
ENGRAM :- A locked up package of attention
units. A period of resistance or even failed resistance. An incident containing "time
reversal" or "un-having-ness". Unconsciousness and pain unavailable to the
Consciousness, and most often, the very existence of it. A mental
image sequence containing pain and unconsciousness and a real or
imagined threat to Survival. The basic cause of Human aberration.
INDIVIDUAL :- A single unit; indivisible and
un-fractional. A single Being. A Thetan or the apparent
Individual... a Person.
INVALIDATE :- Make it wrong. To declare
something or someone invalid, not true but false, unworkable and of no value in this case.
To even prove or demonstrate truthfully or falsely that something is not valid.
MEST :- Matter, Energy, Space, Time...
the components of the physical universe of solid objects, stars, planets, light, heat,
sound, etc.
MIND :- The mental mass and
significance recorded as Mental Image Pictures forming a Time Track
of experience and memory relating to the Thetan and his or her Mind,
other Thetans and their Minds, Bodies and the MEST Universe.
PERSON :- An Individual human being
consisting of the thetan, the mind, the body, identity and name. eg..
Joshua, the male tennis player.
SCIENTOLOGY :- The study of knowing how to know.
RESTIMULATE :- Create a confusion between
moments of time. To believe that something in the past like a moment
of pain, an upset, loss or threat exists right now in Present Time.