The Double Edged Sword
The Jekyll and The Hyde
Leaders like Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon, Caligula, Pol Pot, Idi Amin
and many others were not just ideas floating in thin air. They were humans that lived and
walked... and it was their EVIL DEEDS that destroyed human lives.
Evil is not like smoke floating around the countryside.
S ome "New-age" subjects teach that Evil is a kind of illusion.
That it is "all in your mind". That you must breath deeply and realise it is an
idea held by a victim; the concept being a manifestation of the victim's
"ignorance" who has "lessons to learn".
What a non-confront of evil that explanation is.
Tell it to the victims... the Jewish victims, the Tibetans, the Kosovan Albanian Moslems, the Australian original peoples, the Northern Irish and most
people paying taxes or recovering from failed small business crumpled under the new
Fascism of the '90s.... And dare I mention the unemployed and pensioners of the western
world let alone the East.
The obsession with control and teaching others how they had
"better think" and behave etc... To have people spend their whole, precious lives obsessed
with the getting and spending of money, the worship of illusions, the climbing of
imaginary mountains of achievement, the pursuit of goals just mirages in time.... is a
pathetic way to spend a life indeed and is nothing short of pure intended evil
- and is the real
reason civilizations "rise and fall".
But Evil is in its worse form, when it can be seen operating
"plain as the nose on your face" unchallenged and in full view of those who
prefer to believe "all is well" and even profit from its existence, knowing full
well what it is and what the consequences of its freedom will be.
Well worn sayings such as "In life there is no free ride" and
"we must work to be free" may have some relevance, but these words are being
used for advantage by evil doers, who manipulate conditions of living, and who insist and
even necessitate that one "believes" and "subscribes". One's own
common sense is suppressed and discouraged.
When "Evil" poses as "Good", and gathers
"helpers" and "guardians of a Cause" it is obscene.... if ever real
evil was not obscene.
Moreover, when many are forced by carefully contrived conditions and rules
to waste their lives in toil, to be promised rewards they can never really receive and
even to "pay for" and to "contribute" for their unsuspected
entrapment, is truly evil.
False prophets announce so sincerely that all must become a part
of groups; large and small... to think, act and believe in the same ideas, to BECOME
ONE!.... for anyone to "be free"..... Then they savagely enforce rules and
administer cruel punishments in the name of "help" to those who dare to be
different or desire to leave.
The appearance of "great knowledge" can often be found
to be camouflaging individuals who have convinced others that they are "in the same
camp", and that they too are using the "great knowledge".... for "great
purposes"...... when in fact they have a most hidden agenda.
Great Purposes and Goals may be real enough, even though possibly
achievable in one lifetime. But many purposes and goals put forward by such
camouflaged individuals are actually false, and are not achievable in any number of
These people create illusions and point to mirages and call them goals.
These "goals" and false purposes are proclaimed with enthusiasm, padded with
superficial supportive knowledge, and the gullible who are thus led to believe they are
"the chosen ones" are lavished with praise and some showered or bribed with
material rewards.
Such unattainable goals and false purposes can occupy the total of a
person's lifetime, and are often designed to do so.
Evil is greatest where it poses as the greatest benefit to Mankind,
and yet sends all into an eternal maze of false purposes.
been involved in many purposes throughout my life. But one group wrapped in the prettiest
paper with the cutest little bows... has revealed itself to me as THE MOST EVIL YET.
F or years I had been convinced I was in the company of those who had the
"greatest good" in mind for the "greatest number". I thought that was
reasonable.... until one day I realised what they really were.
found myself very concerned indeed, because these demons (disguised as real people) have
managed to seduce increasing numbers of victims into becoming their team of planet savers.
They pose as a "help group" and a saver of mankind.
But as I will gradually reveal, they are really after the greatest
number of dollars and the greatest amount of control over the greatest number of people by
the very few. In other words... Elitist World domination.
Once again, here is elitism going totally mad. They have not been
the first, or the only, existing group with these "noble goals".
There have been "earlier, similar groups"... the Nazis, for instance. There are many
terms for people who have "fetishes" like this. It really gives
"truth" and "good works" a bad name.
"real" Truth, to "act like" or "have the effect of" a kind of
"universal solvent". Truth creates understanding and the freedom... to
Be and
Not-Be. It reveals and resolves all problems regardless of attached dogma.
It restores the Light where there appeared to be undesired Darkness.
B ut it is the nature of "Truth" that it behaves like a
"Double Edged Sword". Used as a tool; a "Sword of Life"; it can save,
resolve and maintain lives. Used as a weapon; a "Sword of Death"; it can
suppress, trouble and destroy lives... as a knife can peel a potato or cut out a heart.
all Truth, used in practice, by humans, has this dual quality and it is "in the hands
that hold it" that the difference is made in regard to the outcomes.
T he test of any truth is assessing the result of it's application. The
Basic Value must be its effect on Survival... and the Quality of it... for all..... ALL!.
a "Sword of Knowledge" that has proved to be the greatest "Double Edged
Sword" to end all double-edged swords.
I n my hands and those of my friends, no one suffered by it. I saw it used
for great good and many benefited from it . I learned about it, tested and practiced with
it and found it to be true. But I had to watch it wielded in the hands of the vain and
arrogant who caused it to be reviled and scorned increasingly.
WITHIN AND FROM WITHOUT. It is being twisted into a "new-speak" and turned
against those who protected it for years.
who would dare to use it to enslave others and fill their pockets with dirty money are
treading a dangerous road indeed. In their hands these deluded people have caused many to
become victims through its misuse, but in the process they are creating a trap for
themselves greater than the one the "Sword" was originally designed to remove.
Fortunately this "Sword of Knowledge" exists in the
hands of an increasing number around the world, who work desperately to remedy the
situation.... and hopefully keep the world together... for yet another generation.

On a more personal note... My daughter, out of my care and
protection for many years, was a victim of the abuse of this knowledge in
evil hands. The most difficult thing about it is, as I
write this, she doesn't, in a sense, really understand she is a victim. That is the
sadness, and it's the greater part of the crime perpetrated against her. She cannot now
actually read these words, and can't recognise me for who and what I really am.... but
I am her
So I have decided, though I fear for my life, that I MUST write to the
world and the future about what has happened. I have to tell the truth of what is going in
this day and age that will effect every man, woman and child on this planet sometime in
the very near future.
But I give warning here that this story is not for the faint hearted. For
when I open the next pages to you, there is no turning back. Your life will be changed
forever. So unless you are prepared to confront it and have a desire "to


Layout update - Jul 2009 Links Re-organised
- March 2004 Dialogue Edited - March, 2004 Dialogue Edited - February, 2000 Dialogue Edited
- 18th December, 1999 Originated - 8th January, 1998 |