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" The Pen is mightier than the sword "
Edward Bulwer-Lytton




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in the RPF before the collapse
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"The man who has no impulse to set things right is insane."
 - LRH: "Operation Manual for the Mind"

When I joined the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International in 1964, I did not suspect that I was going to one day suffer for this decision.

I reached for the Applied Religious Philosophy of Scientology, but later I was to find myself kowtowing to a "Church of Scientology". I did not join "the group" to be part of a money making machine run by manic zealots. I was on a long term genuine personal Spiritual Quest.

Before Scientology I was familiar with Theosophy, The Rosicrucians, Atherius Society, Spiritualist Church, Christian Science, Buddhism, Yogic Studies, UFO Society and much more. As a child I was baptised and brought up a Christian of the Church of England.

Where did these Scientology pretenders get the idea they could own me and abuse me for my interest and participation? Where did they get the idea that my child was theirs as the receipt for the years of insults, degradation and abuse I had endured because of my willingness to stand by my convictions as a member of the group and as a Scientologist? Claire was just a child with a mother who was too afraid to think for herself, and who let "them" destroy her marriage and get me out of the way so they could abuse her, and her child, till Claire was a severely disabled girl in anyone's language! And it happened so quickly it was like the Devil visited upon the Earth for that purpose in particular.

Where did they get the idea that a child should be brainwashed against the love of her father... She told me they had tried to make her hate me....and to make her believe I was a "Degraded Being" because the initials of my name are D.B... and be told I was evil and psychotic and dangerous? Why should my child be shouted at with insulting and terrorizing words like... "Bastard Father! Bastard Father!" ... when I had done nothing to deserve a fraction of the hate and malice, except LEAVE THE CHURCH.

I gave years of service and enthusiastic dedication to the philosophy and spiritual technology developed by L Ron Hubbard... to the point where I gave up everything that made up my life in Australia to travel around the world to Saint Hill Manor in Sussex, England, to become a dedicated staff member for the organisation for the rest of my life as a Sea Organisation member - that could have turned out to be a virtual death sentence... had I not "escaped".

After enduring it for only twelve months, had I not blown the Sea Org when I did, four days later I would have been going to the Flag-ship. You would think I would have been excited about this. I was - until I heard that I was to be over-boarded as soon as I arrived. That means thrown over the side of the ship into whatever sea was around the ship at the time, probably with my arms and legs tied together as has been reported by others. I was a bad swimmer and I doubt that I would have survived the experience the first time let alone any subsequent bouts of sea-faring madness - yet promoted in their literature as "normal".

The rumours about the mistreatment handed out to "rebels" was enough for me. Apparently I had upset someone. I'd refused to be pushed around. Revenge was in the air, and I was in for some serious abuse.

So I left that night, with my wife (and friend) who was the Org Officer of * FOLO UK - second in command to the Commanding Officer. She'd had enough also... particularly after a public event at St Hill where Sea Org members were ordered to restrain members of the public from leaving the main hall of the event, unless they bought yet another copy of Dianetics (DMSMH). A riot broke out and people were injured. And this was supposed to be an event to get new and inactive public into Scientology. What sort of madness was that?

Of course we would bloody well leave behind an insane scene like that. We were forced to head back to Australia and they were lucky to have had ANY further contact with us at all.

* (FOLO UK = Flag Onshore Liaison Office United Kingdom)

 I gave up years of my life for Scientology and the Church when I could have been taking care of number one, and actually enjoying my youth and my country... But instead I was disseminating and working through the best years of my life for a group that destroyed my reputation, my relationships and declared me "Suppressive". It nearly killed my daughter with cruelty and evil intent as its only "Thank You" and left me perpetually broke during the most productive years of my life.

One day I was in Glebe Point Road and who should I find walking toward me? It was Claire at 15 years old. She came striding down the street in her full Sea Org uniform. She looked so mature I was in shock. I had not seen her since she was 12. She looked like a girl of 21. We chatted and told her I would be working at the Glebe market the following weekend. She would meet me there.

She visited me at the market and I felt a sense of triumph over the suppression of her masters. But a week later she walked past me with another young friend and I thought she had deliberately shunned me, and I was afraid to follow and call her for fear of getting her into trouble. I was not to know who this other person was.

So each week after that she never turned up to see me, and I gave up, believing she had gotten into "ethics" trouble for seeing me at all. What I found out years later from her own lips was that she was just with a girlfriend and that she simply missed my stall and couldn't find me that day. She said she had gone to Paddy's Market and the Glebe Market for several weeks trying to find me. In the meantime I was having serious health issues due to the stress and was near to collapse from what was being described as a heart condition.

Then suddenly she found herself in the RPF and I realised, as she told me this story, that they had then become aware that I was in contact with her. In the space of a few months as she neared her 16th birthday, (around the time where serious child abuse charges could have applied,) her abusers in the RPF drove Claire's health down so far she collapsed with Pneumonia from incidents like working in the rain at night on the roof of the multi-story building of the AO in Sydney while ignoring her pleas for medical attention for a very bad "cold". (The Scientology Tech says that a cold may follow a Loss.  I wonder if anyone else can spot "a loss" here.)

And when Claire, who was the darling of the Sea Org as the receptionist for the Advanced Org in Sydney, was near to death on life support after her collapse from the cruelty she had endured from her "superiors", not one person contacted me, but dared to refuse for me to be contacted though she was begging to hear from me from her Balmain Hospital bed before she lapsed into a coma that had doctors finally deciding to shut off the life support system.

Perhaps the only good thing her mother did was to beg the doctors not to do that.... according to Claire.

Claire said that when she awoke to find herself with bed sores all over her back, and a right arm that was 90% paralysed which has remained a barely useful appendage from that moment, she braved what remained of what her body had become. She found she was completely unable to walk and  she could not speak, read or write or count to ten. When she had awoken from an unconsciousness, finding herself trapped in her un-responding body and made fun of by heartless nurses, (tasteless jokes probably intended to make light of the situation), my daughter - born into a Scientologist family reaching for the promised glory of the "OT" States of Being - was so "down" that she prayed to Jesus to save her!!!

When I found her again at age 20, she told me what she could, after having at least two strokes from what clearly was a case of wrongly applied "medical treatment", (chemotherapy for an alleged case of Leukaemia ?????) and being hidden away from the world in shame as a baby sitter for $15.00 a day by her mother's best friend. She was given no compensation. Just a sentence on government disability pension for life... and the Church was not paying for any of that for its crimes... It quite immorally enjoys tax exempt status in Australia like it does in many parts of the world that have not really looked into what it's actual activities are really all about.

Those responsible for Claire's suffering who may well claim it was Claire's fault, have never been brought to "justice" and may never be. But I will eventually tell the world the whole story in words that will shrivel their hearts and follow them through history. That I should do this earns me the privilege of being regarded as an Enemy and the finger of responsibility and blame will forever be pointed at me from a group that cannot take responsibility for it's criminal "mistakes", its corruption and greed. Remember... the Lisa McPherson case? That has been described to me as a "criminal success"... and from this I guess I should regard the Claire-Davina Broughton case as a "criminal mistake".... Claire survived whereas Lisa did not.

It is my curse forever that the church of scientology and its members will suffer equally as much as the suffering they gave out to Claire till reparations are made to Claire and myself... and anyone else effected by the very real crimes they have committed in the name of "The Route to Total Freedom".

The Church of Scientology through its horrible mis-management is responsible for the filthy international reputation it has given the Applied Religious Philosophy of Scientology - which I found to be the most workable and brilliant system of thought I ever came across in all my years of searching for knowledge that answered "the eternal questions".

At this time "Scientology" is identified in the minds of millions of non members and so many ex-members as Evil and False. The world's most advanced forum in the history of mankind - the Internet - delivers heart-wrenching, daily, scathing criticism, directed toward  the CHURCH!..... the organisation..... and the blind, self-aggrandizing people that run it....  with barely a truthful word about the real subject of Scientology tech and philosophy ever being heard.

Anyone who has ever had anything to do with it, at some stage, also thought of it as 'the answer to all their questions'. It was "real Scientology" they and I had experienced, but which, in the hands of the truly "un-enlightened" has, in the main, turned-in-to "false Scientology"... as Hubbard predicted it could.

It is the "Church", its practices and its management strata, that is manifestly ignorant and whose effects are seen as Evil. Its current members are ignorant and "brainwashed" into obliviousness with mandatory censorship from any critical, anti-Scientology or introspective

 ideas... never finding out till they actually leave the church what the real reasons and causes are for such condemnation of their Church worldwide.

The ideas included on this and many websites are only seen by the courageous few Scientologists who take an "illegal" glance at the Internet... that is to say... on a computer that does not have the church's compulsory self censorship computer program installed. In the name of protecting its members against viewing anything about the 'confidential upper levels' of its teachings to members who have not reached qualification to have access to them, the censorship program prevents its members' access to any website with any critical or demolishing ideas that expose the publicly unacceptable acts of the church of scientology by its corrupt management.

See the shame that is visiting upon the "Orthodox Church" on U-tube, the world's gateway to current affairs, where more and more entheta (negative communications and ideas)  is published about "Scientology" every day - when it is really the Church of Scientology management that is the rot continuously inspiring it, assisted by interests particularly intent on the eradication of Scientology the subject, by those who have plans for mankind other than "Spiritual Freedom".

I think "the Church" has managed to "convert" more people against Scientology than it ever has brought to its message of Salvation, with more members of the faith outside the Church than were ever in it at any one time.

So it is really a sad thing that the Spiritual Technology L Ron Hubbard left as "a gift to mankind", has found itself to be fraudulently controlled by and in the hands of these people who have made it the laughing stock in the minds of practically anyone engaged in New Age practices and many other religious practices of the modern world.

Clearly the Church of scientology of California's days are numbered and this is no real joy for me, as I know what the Tech is capable of, what it takes to apply it, yet how simple it is to apply. I had great visions for its value to humanity from aged 16 to around 1983 when I officially resigned as a member of "my church" - the organisation I believed was the most noble group sanctioned to preserve and deliver the tech.

Whom-ever is really responsible for the situation is most likely already paying a heavy price for stuffing around with what is arguably the most potent "occult pathway" from A to Z that has ever been exposed to this sleeping, albeit, awakening world. If ever there was a Holy Grail or a Pandora's Box, Scientology is both of these. Scientology A and Scientology Z... two different movies.... and a perfect mixed metaphor.

I believe "The Tech will survive!" despite the Church's efforts or any enemy's efforts to alter and destroy it with various means. But the Church will not survive, and individuals who aided in crimes in the name of The Tech will be at the very end of the line when all others have finally received its blessing. I believe that it was "a gift to mankind" meaning to me that it is available to anyone without a single involuntary dollar being involved in it's application.

To this purpose I dedicate my "next billion years"... not to the Sea Org for whom I signed the "Billion Year contract" nor to any other criminal group calling itself a Church... A criminal Group who abused "The Tech" to destroy its worth and splendour for those uninitiated who glance in its direction... and who falsely and delusionally BELIEVE this "CHURCH" has the Right of Passage over The Tech  AND the hearts and minds of those who wish to know what Scientology really is - A Spiritual Technology that L Ron Hubbard left for all of us... including You - especially you, who is reading these words.


Claire & Me - around 1990




Claire - 1998








Claire - 1998



Still later during 1998 - After being unable "to stay away with me" because of her mother's threats of never seeing her half sister again, Claire returned by train to Adelaide over 1,529 kilometres away from me.

After hearing nothing from her for many, many months, during which time failing all efforts to get help from police and government and non-government agencies to investigate her welfare, she suddenly rang me and in tears, begged me  to come and get her.

She claimed she was being held against her will in a pig farm in the middle of New South Wales. When I asked to speak with someone there, the very rude male voice was typical of a person who was sure he was speaking to an evil dog of an ex-scientology father by the name of David Broughton, and I received the pineapple treatment with the phone slammed down on the cradle in my ear. (Millennials please Google that.)

It's amazing that this can actually be happening in democratic Australia, and that a citizen like me could not get any help about it from the law or government.

To be continued......

"The failure to condemn an activity is indeed an offer of tacit approval. All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing." — Edmund Burke

This is my story about my 19 year experience of the "Church of Scientology" brand of Scientology from 1964 to when I left the church in 1983... and what fate was visited upon my daughter Claire-Davina, who was born into a Scientology family.


Please note that these pages are under "continuous creation and re-creation"


Last Updated : ...../ Dec 2000 / Sep 2001 / Mar 2002 / Mar 2004 / Aug 2008 / Jun 2009 / Feb 2010 / Apr 2010 / Oct 2010 / June 2011 / Oct 2013 / Nov 2019 / Dec 2022  /  Feb 2025