
Due to constant updating of this website, this page has become a new Introduction to what is to follow. This page is written after many years having passed where I have had time to reflect, observe and learn about what happened to Claire; what happened to Scientology as an Organisation and a Subject; and to see how the Internet has effected the way this subject has been viewed and reported and what that may mean for the future of Scientology and perhaps Mankind.


See the following pages for the most recent line-up


Suppressive: A New Definition?

July 18, 2009

According to my Ethics Book, Suppressives comprise 2 1/2 percent of the population. That’s why we refer to them, colloquially, as “two-and-a-half percenters.” And we are supposed to be able to recognize them by certain characteristics, certain attributes – 12 in number. Any trained Scientologist should be able to spot an SP.

With that in mind, I was intrigued by this article showing that “49 out of 50 staff members from the last organization that L. Ron Hubbard personally ran himself in St Hill, England (known as ‘Old Saint Hill’) have been declared ‘suppressive persons’ by David Miscavige and kicked out of Scientology forever.

That’s right, 49 out of 50 staff members of “Old Saint Hill” have been declared Suppressive by current Scientology Management. And that, by my calculation, is 98%.

This is the organization, remember, that LRH holds up as the stellar example of what real expansion should be like. This is the standard that all Orgs are supposed to be striving for – to become the “size of Old Saint Hill.”

And as you go down the list, you see some legendary names.

Ken Urquhart, who was LRH’s Personal Communicator for 15 years.

John McMaster, the first Clear – a celebrity when I got into Scientology.

Reg Sharpe, LRH’s assistant and personal friend for many years.

Otto Roos, Leon Steinberg, Tony Dunleavy, Herbie Parkhouse, Marilyn Routsong, the list goes on and on.

Old timers remember these names. They are never mentioned anymore. Like the ghostly faces they used to airbrush out of pictures of the Soviet Politbureau, they have become non-persons. All declared Suppressive.

How can this be? Was LRH really surrounded almost exclusively by SPs? That he never spotted – even though he personally wrote the 12 attributes of an SP? Is it possible that a group composed of 98% Suppressives could have achieved such exemplary expansion? Or is current Management operating on a different definition of SP?

I have a long memory. I remember the days, back in the late 1970s and early 80s, when missions were huge and booming, when legendary mission holders like Martin Samuels, Kingsly Wimbush, Brown McKee, and others were running multiple missions – big places, crowded with people. Where are these guys now? You guessed it – all declared Suppressive by current management.

How is it possible that a group of SPs achieved such phenomenal dissemination and growth? Aren’t they supposed to be fighting all betterment activities? Or is current Management operating on a different definition of SP?

Fast forward to 2009, and the current crop of “SPs” – former top level executives like Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Amy Scobee, Tom DeVocht. All SPs, we are told. So why were they never spotted during their many, many years of dedicated service? Why were they entrusted to top level positions?

Further, when you look into it, there are many hundreds of former Int Base staff who have been declared Suppressive. In fact, there are more former Int Base staff, now declared Suppressive, than there are current staff at the Int Base.

So is the Int Base a magnet for SPs, out of all proportion to the general public – and despite strict qualifications and detailed screening? How were all of these people somehow missed during all their years of dedicated service at the central headquarters of Scientology? Or is current Management operating on a different definition of SP?

Yes, maybe in today’s Brave New Scientology there’s a different definition of SP. Maybe it’s now defined as “anyone who challenges David Miscavige.”

If so, don’t be afraid of being “declared SP.”

You’ll be in good company.


a warning
homepage contents

clr00a-the beginning
clr00b-how can I tell you
clr00c-jekyll and hyde
clr00d-the never ending story
clr00e-the truth
clr00f-suppressive. A new definition?