My "Spiritual / Philosophical" Quest


"In today's world we must as individuals open our minds to knowledge. There are so many important issues which now threaten our very existence and others that promise a New Age. The world must awaken, research, and become informed of what is being done and by whom, and why. It is time to speak up, to act and be responsible for ourselves, our neighbourhood, our planet, our world which is our home, and for those born here, our future." 



My "Spiritual Quest" germinated at around 3 yrs of age from an experience with the stars in the night sky. I was in a Children's Shelter or Home and was taken outside to pee because I couldn't stand the smell of the dormitory pee can. It was the days before toilet plumbing. Out side the door I looked up and for the first time saw the overwhelming number of stars in a clear night sky looking down at me like a billion eyes from the heavens. I was aware of Consciousness there. I was being "looked at", and I knew I would be seeking to understand this phenomena for a very long time.

At age 11, after I realised I may never really develop the super powers of Superman and Batman and save the world... at least not single handedly, I decided there must be a way to "fix everything". One just need to know "how".

So after a move from foster care at Armidale in New South Wales, I was moved to the Ohio Boys Home where the most significant period of my childhood formed the path my life would take..

Sinking into the Famous Five books and living a life in the Ohio Boys Home that taught me the meaning of outcomes... of consequences.... and from many hours of meditative work in the acre of flower gardens, I experienced a new viewpoint which also sparked an interest in Astronomy, Chemistry, Medicine and Science Fiction... which at the time introduced me to the idea that the human mind had unexplored potentials, and this became the prime mover of my life's purpose.

Though I had been taught a famous prayer as a child and was introduced to the concepts of Christian faith and practice, it was at 11 years of age that Science Fiction was my first mind expanding tool that open my heart to many ideas. Authors such as :

Robert Heinlein influenced my thinking....

and George Orwell.... with his foretelling book :  Nineteen_Eighty-Four

George Orwell

The book that produced the first "deep reality adjustment"... the first real intellectual awakening though, was one I picked up at the Balcombe Army Apprentice School of Music's library after age 15 and 9 months ... I had been having some trouble dealing with the Army, puberty and my life direction, and found solitude and solace in the camp library. The book was called....


From there, after my medical discharge from the army, I met a man in Sydney's Kings Cross in the days when it was more a cultural centre and melting pot of every kind of non conformist and artist that there was at the time. He was born John Callaghan, but I knew him as Jack Callaghan. He became my best friend, Teacher and Guide and kept me company through my years as a teenager introducing me to all that my mind could absorb.

Jack introduced me to John Martensen, painting artist and connoisseur of Classical Music and a best pot of tea, in his below street level apartment  where he welcomed friends and intellectuals at least every Sunday, who discussed all kinds of subjects and was spellbound by loud music of Yma Sumac – The Peruvian Songbird, in her unique soprano voice around a welcoming wood fire. John was a intimately close friend of Roslyn Norton and Gavin Greenleaves the Poet. Roslyn's "Witchcraft Art" graced the walls of the below street level Ponsion Cafe in Darlinghurst Road long before the cities major building projects changed the character of Kings cross forever..

Jack seemed to know every one. He took me to the Wayside Chapel, run by the Methodist Church. It was a drop-in hangout coffee shop and theatrette, a retreat for teenagers and street people wanting a place for a cup of tea and a good chat;

Jack took me to the Adyar Bookshop run by the Theosophical Society, which was also in a below street level basement of excellent design and atmosphere in York Street long before it was moved to a vastly different venue in Clarence Street.

Through the Theosophical Library I  discovered Madame Helena Blavatsky who was the 19th century's most famous and notorious  mystic, occultist, and medium. Blavatsky was born to an aristocratic family in Russia in 1831. I tried to investigate the Rosicrucian's, then Jack introduced me to the UFO Society through which I found the Aetherius Society. The library held books and had meetings and social events where discussions took one on a wild ride into Buddhism, Yoga, Spiritual Healing, Hypnotism and Mesmerism. Books on Druidism, Fairies, Werewolves and Magick were hugging the walls. I spent a lot of time there and at one point rented a room in the North Shores house of a prominent Theosophical Guru.

One day we ended up at the Spiritualist Church which was in Pitt Street. I met Kevin Marsh, a talented Medium and had personal readings from him.

Through Jack I met the entertainer and 2GB Radio Station's Gordon Chater, and was taken for a tour of the ABCs Television studios in North Sydney.

We visited the Astronomy observatory near the Sydney Harbour Bridge and had a strangely private tour of the AWA Building late at night where we checked out the sky search light on the roof under the tower.... He introduced me to a person connected "high up" with the Art Gallery and Sydney Opera house. Also a senior Theosophical sculptor named "x" ....who made human sized bronze statues...

Jack introduced me to Sister Edith Lindsey and elderly 80 year old lady of very fine character who lived in the top story of the last Terrace House in Macquarie Street of the City of Sydney. Apparently the building was owned by the cigarette company WD & HO Wills. She became my "adopted relative" and she insisted I add her name to mine as a double barrel name. So it would be Broughton-Lindsey. I used it to buy shares on the stock market and it was fun pretending to be a bit "high brow" at the time... She said she wrote me into her will eventually as we were so close... like I was the grandson she never had. Her main admirer was an Orthopaedic Surgeon in the Sydney Hospital. Edith Lindsey was a nursing sister of the old days...Her closest friend was the poet Henry Lawson. She would sit on her balcony and watch the galleons sailing on Sydney Harbour.

A few years later she died while I was away in England from February 1972 to later in the first quarter of 1973 trying to get back to Australia after a disastrous time in the Sea Org of the International Church of Scientology.

All this took place from 1963 to 1973. A most complicated, exciting, overwhelming but most expansive time of my younger days. More detail and adventure not covered will be added over time.


"Spirit of Night"


"If you honestly undertake a process of spiritual exploration  and discovery, your daily life will change for the better in ways that you have no ability to even imagine."

Dr Mary Neil  - 2015-09-15