(Originated 2006. Revised 2009)
How precious is the written
Anyone who tells me they can't write and that they wouldn't know
what to write about has every reason to be totally ashamed of the
level of their own ignorance. They must be selfish beyond measure,
devoted purely to their own pleasure and survival. They are either
terrible victims of their lives or gluttons of their own egos.
The world is full of reasons to write. There are countless numbers
of causes that are barely able to be covered in books larger than
any that have ever been printed. How precious is the written
The trouble is - Are there enough people willing to actually
read what is already written and even then, to respond to the crying
needs written about that effect more than half the population of the
human world. There are even more needs effecting the animal kingdom,
some at holocaust level.. The main problem is that even when these
needs are known about by many, so few actually respond and act to do
something to actually save the situation, and sadly when they seem to
"do", it is mostly to "make money" or create a tax.
I am particularly referring
to people who are in a financial position to actually
something to help and have not the slightest concept that something
needs to be done. I am referring to people in such highly paid and
fortunate positions (as to be viewed by most average people as beyond
reason,) who spend their time getting attention for their artificial
physical "beauty", their gluttony of cars, real estate and exclusive
One wonders
about the bush-fires that seem to regularly take out the real estate of the rich and infamous.
Most of these victims are sympathized with by the
press and other media, but do not consider the possible Karmic message
nudging back
against these largely self interested people. It is not surprising
that certain religious source-groups are quite vocal about "the wrath of
God - punishing man for sin" They are talking about Karma.... or
should I be talking about Insurance claim ambitions?
Where freedom of choice is unburdened
by Conditions or other Will (counter-will), Karma operates as expected.
Where freedom of choice is burdened by Conditions or Other Will
(alternative or counter-will), though Karma operates "mercilessly", Free Will is
burdened so that choice is not really free.
Though I don't condone such unfortunate events happening to anyone,
the rich of this world never seem know when to stop making money,
hogging the limelight and boring the poor with their vanity and
appetite for more. Instead of waking up to their fortune,
(and they should look-up that word in a very good dictionary) they continue accumulating further
wealth they simply do not need any more of. Spending thousands
a week most of them would not be able to consume or deplete their wealth if
they were to work hard at it for the rest of their lives, while others,
across the world, watch in horror at the obscenity of the imbalance of the
distribution of wealth in the media, and internet, that "we" are
supposed to revere.
A free handout or wild distribution of money,
or free bags of flour, like they
do in war zones; throwing basic - very basic - food-stuffs off the
back of a truck to starving people, makes it look as though they
are actually doing something worthwhile for people. You couldn't be
any more half hearted.
Give options back to those
who are victims of history destroying their cultural heritage. You think
they are living as though they came down in the last shower? They had
ancestors who survived. They had a method of survival handed down from
their ancestors in turn. Somewhere along the line it was destroyed.
Someone came along and destroyed it. People do not choose to destroy
their means of survival. Conditions changed due to natural events, or
were changed by others who had motives probably related to their own
survival without regard to the survival of their "victims".
One thing I have noticed for years in my own community is hopeless
financial management practices of government - local and federal;
hopeless priority analysis for resource needs which often end up in
places they only benefit a public relations profile. There is a real
ignorance about the real nature of politics and how it relates to
social and resource management across the planet.
How often does a road in reasonable
or good repair get a new coat of tar while other streets or roads
are a mosaic of potholes outside the homes of inconsequential
people. How often are beautiful old homes from periods when real
building materials and high design practices were taken for granted,
destroyed and
replaced by flimsy, ugly houses or blocks of flats built for one
reason only... profit. Nothing to do with human lifestyle or support
or health both mental and physical... Just profit.... sometimes just to
give "them" a place to "live" so they will become silent.
It is enough to make profit one of the worst and dirtiest swear words of the
language. Yet, clearly profit is the most workable motivation for
commerce. Commerce gets things done. Demand is supplied and
Consumers are catered for.... At least that is the way it is
supposed to work. But who-ever heard of a workable system actually
working for enough time and enough reason on this planet for
anything to appear that might look like a real civilisation?
Our world has been suffering because of profit motivation
gone mad. The concern has
not been about human lives, but about profit - for those who usually don't
need it - except to pay a tax bill. (Offerings to Mammon).
I'd like to see some of these types actually get a real awakening,
so that they are forced to actually do something about the countless
needs that threaten to collapse the world's societies altogether...
like a real plague... before the word "family" and the word "live"
are redundant in name, or indeed, in actual fact.

Personally I have tried to give something time and time again that I
produced by hard work and "giftedness".... and it surprised me that it was
barely noticed at
all. I spent all my working life doing this sort of thing and in every case was
thwarted by those with money and position who probably saw me as a
threat to their egos or need for greed and of "the impulse to give
less or nothing to get more." I have felt thwarted by the
of willingness to give support or "give thanks" by those who could have.
After a natural products business
consisting of the best quality essential oils and other materials,
produced in a country better suited to their production than most,
[Australia] I was
forced to close down because of unrealistic competition from imported
rubbish from China and the Australian consumer's inability or lackluster
in seeing any merit in a real, or high quality product. I turned to concentrate on a product that I
thought would reach more people and produce the resources for an
even greater project; where it may be possible to do the
kind of work usually only by-which substantial funding can be
After over 10 years to date I composed more than 2000
listenable pieces of
described as beautiful, meditative etc....
and my best reward was 2 internet orders, even though my music was the most
downloaded, free,
from various websites at the time.
, became an
Radio Station" where innovative music has been buried beneath a rush of commercial
noise. No longer is the independent artist supported. But plenty of
software is now downloadable from what became Cnet.com.
http://www.mp3.com.au/artist.asp?id=14009 proved from early
in this millennium that my
music was enjoyed by many... Then the website hosts went funny and it
became impossible to communicate with them. Even after considerable web
research and floods of emails I was not successful in resolving the
problem to this day. Now the site is completely changed and only
interested in corporate supported artists.
http://amiestreet.com/music/diarbe/ has been sold to Amazon.com. It is great music resource
....my music was happily played
on Austar Music TV for years
....and was clamoured for by listeners to a
local community radio "station give-away" of my CDs which resulted in
one letter of appreciation from a listener but no "prospect" addresses at all.
large gaps in the composition record are missing, along with many
pages of writing, due to computer hard drive unreliability... viruses
both plausible and illegal - and my
In all this time I have not
received more than two "pretend offers" from "promoters" who
it was finally revealed were only interested in taking on the project if I was going to
supply the start-up capital... which I have never had, which may be the real reason why nothing
has ever
happened. But I tried to promote into the graveyard of the Internet
with years of work on websites, and get local record companies
interested, but while I was interested in promoting music, they were
looking for performing artists.
So after running several websites for 10 years that have not been
able to compete with the adult sites and eBay, I can only guess I am
on the wrong planet or in the wrong time period. LOL. It is amazing
how many other musicians I have read who say similar things on their
pages.... except for those "artists" who are supported by money making record
companies or profit takers, who ignore and thus suppress all independent
Though I have worked like a slave to make a living from this music,
I have faced the idea that the world simply can do without yet
another music composer, as I am now the fan of so many who are in
the same boat as me and have fabulous music. As
the response to le music hasn't been earth
shattering to say the least,
I will be content to just
see it as another wondrous past-time which may perhaps provide someone
else with a
living after I have left the restrictive care of the corpse I am
wearing - and that may be simply because I have.
What a funny world.
In the meantime, I thought I would share some of the wonderful
experiences I have had in my life with whoever has the inclination
to find anything I say about them interesting; and at least a mild inspiration.
My general view is that, "the world of man" is in a
bit of a pickle, with most unaware of this and even less interested in
doing anything to actually make anything any better for anyone other
than themselves.
So, as I've
said before, I will go ahead with putting into writing a few
thoughts that at least my grandchildren might appreciate, and get on
with my other interests.
We all like
to know our roots - and I mean answers to the "impossible
questions". I have spent my life finding out about what others have
decided to take for granted - and about things they have cared even
less to know about... "Some real answers". Kept to myself it is nice
having them but as they are not MY answers really, I think I will have to
"give them back" somehow no matter how long it takes. I hope some of
my words will make more difference than anything else I have