It takes anyone a lot of courage or a lot "ego" to announce that
one has a philosophy these days. You can get shot down for it.
Many just adopt someone else's more socially acceptable
philosophy, or without thinking; become a cog in an
overwhelming, "establishment, religious steam-roller"..... or get a
degree "saying study has been done"..... or become
scattered down the pseudo-psychology-ruined "New-Age / group-think" road
- to
Actually I am just a clown that believes I've learned something
about existing on this sad little planet lost on the edge of the
Galaxy a la Milky Way.... an impossible distance to travel 'to and from' the
nearest star.
For years I thought I had it all worked out about living
here, but one of the mysteries that screwed up my satisfaction
was.... how to accept the cruelty, ignorance and arrogance of some of "the
locals". They're tough enough; laugh about a few things, but boy
- do they hate anything that comes along to change anything for
the better.... and in so many cases - to change anything at all?
Now I don't claim to be clever or to have any particularly better
level of intelligence than many, and I may even repeat myself
sometimes, but I feel that I have lived through
enough to have come to some conclusions that might surprise some and
bore others to tears.
The most significant one is not so new either.... That the
more I learn, the more I realise there is even more to learn - than I
ever suspected.
I found a quote:
"It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of
your own ignorance."
Thomas Sowell
I am not obsessed about "change" OR of preventing it....
as might be expected from someone my age. I am not wanting to
"remove" the past, and I'm not wanting to cling to it either. In
fact I am more interested in the realisation that there is so much
about the past that needs to be re-discovered and remembered.
And there is so much that needs to be clarified and re-invented for
the present and future to have meaning and direction. The past seems
filled with falsehoods and deliberate lies, but it also contains the
priceless treasures of experience and truths created at a long gone
present time as well.
I have always noticed such effort on the part of so many to
reduce the life and livingness of people, and today none more
assuredly than the Chinese Communist Party... the criminal group and
the most suppressive regime since Hitler and Pol Pot. Had the group
I originally chose as that which had the knowledge and power to save
the world from this cancerous development done its job rather than
turn itself into a greed machine more focused on money and
personal control in a most undemocratic way, I don't think even the
Communist party control in China could have arisen. See "The
Claire Pages."
Time and time
again, I find that so many things
from the past
that strike me as valuable and spiritually
nourishing, are being buried or wantonly destroyed by more and more
who seem to be in such a hurry to turn their backs on the past in
favour of the so called "new" ideas, designs, functions and "things"
that promise a better future than any past ever was. In many cases
this might be so but there has been the old adage "throwing the baby
out with the bath-water".... and then there is some people's
"un-holy" goals - aka CCP, WFMH and the RTC. All these groups have
the same philosophy... AGREE OR DIE. They are the enemies of ANY
kind of FREEDOM.
Anyone I know who is happy seems to have managed a compromise between the old and the new,
and bypassed the suppressive intention of many, and are best described with
the operative words... ETHICS, FOCUS and BALANCE.
From the 1960s through to the '80s, there seemed to be changes that took the
Western World through a phase of re-awakening, which I thought
was going to continue to bring about the New Age I had come to
expect through (by way of; as a consequence of; as a reward for;) the somewhat different life direction I had taken
in contrast to those I regarded as "main-stream." These
main-streamers used words like "home owners" and
(those wealthy enough to experience that fantasy called "holidays"
and the favour of bank loans.)
And then there were those who were mainly associated with those socially accepted 'pools of
thinking' called Orthodox Religions, Government Authorities, and
those professing to be Scientific. Etcetera.
I was like many who,
at the time,
turned away from
"materialism" and focused on developing character, personality,
social empathy, real spiritual values and understandings. Like so many, I got involved in 'souls-saving'
activities that drew me close to like-minded persons who explored
the delights of relationship activities and spiritual growth, and
left the "money, property and control matters" to others.... I was
sure they would inevitably lose.... because of the selfish nature of some of
the aspects of those things. So I didn't save or invest and
certainly the idea of shares and superannuation was a myth to me. I
thought the whole lot would come tumbling down around their ears.
Maybe I was way ahead of myself. But the '90s came and went and
the skies seemed to darkened though the "New Millennium" was
heralded as the New Beginning. I don't think they knew what they
were taking about. A new beginning was the last thing they
wanted, and all that period did, was to kill off all those dreams as
surely as The Great Flood would have. New generations were emerging and
'learning' all the mistakes of
the past and being drowned in lifestyles of drugs, violence and
materialism - promoted by "the Establishment" - made up of all the old
instrumentalities and the descendents of those that were always just
focused on 'the money', and keeping the people
ignorant, down and dependent in the first place.
Closer to home, I found that "all those I had invested my faith in",
and spent years supporting, were nothing more than treasonous
control freaks. All
came crashing to the ground with the discovery they were nothing
like 'on a spiritual quest' at all like I thought they were. It was a huge shock. Most of what they
clung to was for security and conformity, control and..... yes you
thought it... for money.... Seemingly unwilling and unable to let go
of the confusions, lies and deceptions
they were originally brought up with
about life and the universe, despite discovering a clearly workable
spiritual technology, things went on the way they always did.
As soon as that mask came off, the destruction that their
ignorance and stupidity caused
left my daughter disabled for
life and me distanced from her against my will for years. I spent a lot of time and effort fighting back,
but with concerns for her sanity I had unwillingly distanced myself.
When I
thought "it could not get worse", I re-connected with my daughter in
1997, to
find her in a condition I never ever expected my child could ever be in.....
Except for the fact that I had
experienced something truly
outside the box many years earlier, which at that moment
returned to hit me like a stone from the sling of some character
from a biblical prophesy..
From that point in time, life had become a bit of a nightmare and
it was really only since 2010 that I could see the light at the end
of the tunnel. Somehow I had survived and though I was a lot older, I
better equipped than ever before to take on the future and resume my
goals. More on that later.
By the year 2000, I had not made the success of the various money
making small business activities I expected to, and finally the
"music composition project" I expected to at least get further than
any other, just slid into obscurity after Centrelink (Social
Security) and the
"Housing Department" did its "ten
years of destruction" upon me and the life of my "lifestyle partner".
It seems that all along it was expected by Centrelink that someone
"would pay me
a wage" which I have NEVER had since a passing dalliance with "payee employment" as
a teenager. So Centrelink in their wisdom, made sure my "small
business efforts" from the old days of 1986 to 1996 were well and
truly a time wasting effort and eventually; dead. Expressing ideas of "getting on one's feet" were aligned
to a form of mental illness - which coincided with the sudden appearance of a very active Mental
Health unit attached to the local hospital at the turn of the
century, and then a very unpleasant entry into the lives of me and
my partner.
Gradually, like I
observed happen in Lismore to the general population there many years ago;
in the twinkling eye, they destroyed hope. All spiritual expectations
were targeted
by every person I had anything
to do with in Centrelink and the local Housing Department, and I
sincerely believe that is what I was observing at Lismore. These
"people" saw to it that after wasting a year on a
useless business course, I would languish on the pittance previously
called anything other than the "unemployment benefit" for so many years,
while I struggled
to cope with my partner's sudden and unbelievable appearance of a
type of "mental illness". My deteriorating health and
advancing age landed me on a disability pension myself, and coping
with it for over 20 years has taken its toll.
The one
thing that has not been killed off is my love for her that has been
the foundation of my life since the moment we met... set to music in
my composition of
"Pledge of Eternal Love" published in CD003
However since that time I have had the opportunity to learn many
things - "rebalance my reality" - and make a lot
of improvements and changes in my life. But that is another....
the other story.
In the future, the birth of the Internet and the development of
Computers will be seen as one of the most significant developments
for "world peace" in the history of the 21st Century. The idea of
"the melting pot" has been around on the lips of home philosophers
for generations, and there is no better example of this idea than
what is going on because of the Internet since the year 2000. The Internet has opened the lines of communication spilling
across so many barriers and into, through and across territories of
taboo and areas of forbidden access.
Amongst those so encysted
by their invisible mental strait-jackets, not much was changing until something
as real for them as the devastating World Recession of 2009.... and
since then
there has been a period of material rebalancing going on. So yet another chapter in the history of
"The effort of
vested interests,
governments and associated agencies" to
renew the attack upon the 'Winds of Change', well and truly
surfaced in 2009 and 2010.
Noticeably, Individualism became a target.
Successful efforts to lift the society out of the dark age of the
recent past into the founding years of the New Age of Aquarius was
being thwarted by various
interests through the media.
The Taser use by aggressive Police, and Electric Shock Treatment for the "behaviourally"
disturbed were still being promoted
through the media
into the minds of "the new mis-educated, largely ignorant recent generations
on matters of Human Rights and Civil Rights" and
much about this is still well hidden, "behind the scenes".

But "stone the crows"... now that some of the
oldies have died off or let go of "the reigns of control", the Internet has come of age. It is the
proverbial Oracle of the New Age; the Akashic Record manifest.
Computers have put tools
in the hands of creative people
that have revolutionised our
daily lives and will no doubt continue to do so. I think
there are at last very tangible signs of a New Age dawning.
I don't mean the one talked about in popular "new age literature" - and I don't mean to mislead you into all the
"Armageddon" stuff that was going around either. No. It is nothing
to do with established religion. Believe me.
There's a new breed in the wings, and there's going to be a few
changes around here... That's the way I see it. If only we had
the Internet 40 years ago, but I guess everything has its
Now-a-days, you want to communicate with someone? Just make a connection.
That's all there is to it. You want to change the world? Sure!
So what's the hold-up? Put something up on U-tube. Communicate! That's the
next step after "thinking about it".... Anyone afraid of change is
obviously "stuck in the past" somewhere. A little more
knowledge is needed and a bit of work on the "thinking" and whamo!
Hello World!
Well we have to educate the locals into the
idea that there is nothing to be afraid of being communicated with
or reaching out now, and now we must not allow the appearance of
Covid-19 to stop them. They need to become visible. More than most
are still hiding away. All they needed was a computer, maybe a phone
line, a modem and the willingness to confront a few simple things;
to get out there; become contactable and part of the new, "real
world"..... Now they don't even need a phone line. Just a mobile
phone. No need for the phone line now.
There's no need for
the paranoia and fear. The cat is out of the bag! And any cat that isn't...
needs to be. (2014-and now all you need is a tablet with wifi
capability... Free
wifi is all over the place.)(2021-
and now just a mobile phone which has wifi capability with easy
access to the Internet, basically free of charge)
No. Hanging out at the pub is not the real world.
Tripping on drugs is not either. Kicking a football
for ever is not either... though it can be fun. There are thousands of
things you can do that you could call "having a life"....
But remember that while you are, there are many who cannot. They
need your help, and maybe you need to look at who is NOT having a
life because you are.
From age 18 to 35 I didn't stop my "pursuit of
a life". But suddenly I felt I was out there
on my own. "What happened?" I thought.... Then I realised I had gotten
older. I was showing signs of "maturity" and I noticed it was an
un-common state. My attention was drawn to the number of
individuals who were "not having a life" because of "certain
types" that thought they were; of the children over 25 running things
or still living with their parents.... It is easy to discover the resistance
inherent in "normal" society to the influence of change
desired and exerted by the more mature and conscious members of a society.
Covid-19 has made things even more complicated, giving suppressives
even more reign on destroying uninformed people.
I think this is about to change though.
When I say "change things around here", I am not meaning "the
fashions", "your career path" (though Covid has
probably done that anyway) etc. No. I mean.... the kind of
change that will follow on from becoming part of the many "networks"
in one's area or across
the planet - not just through the Internet. I wrote that in 2008
but now Covid has made sure this is the necessary route. This is what will make certain that the
mysterious "they" can't hide from being found out and brought to
account for what they are doing. In fact it is now VITALLY
Freedom relates to exposing the
lies and the withholds (the undisclosed contra-survival acts) without "pussy-footing" around.
Being aware that CRIMINAL INTENT and CRIMINAL ACTS is what is
destroying our world faster than normal social systems can cope
with. Now that the CCP has such a hold on China and threatens the
security of the whole world, people need to wake up, to communicate,
become informed and ACT TO HANDLE. I believe this is what will be the main thrust of the dawning signs of
the New Age.
The birth of
The New Age will occur through the greatest surge
in Communication and Education and Revelation the human race has
ever known. It may look like chaos at first, but as a true
friend once said to me, "What you see is the Confusion that blows off
as Order goes in."
The days are over for self deceiving military "governments" and
greedy "multi-national power-mad control freaks". The human race
is now "too small" for the criminals and psychos to be running
things and we have Covid to cope with. The world at large is about to make sure these "dinosaur
systems" are laid to rest. The weapon is Communication.
Curiously, the Internet also gives new meaning to the term "Freedom"
and it must be protected at all cost.
There is too much to do and so much to enjoy for any of us to be
"down and suffering" - because of unethical, selfish,
petty criminal, lazy, ignorant, degraded Beings - not to
mention "organised crime". Organised crime has taken on
the character of "political control" in one case to control the largest population of human beings on the planet with
deathly cruelty and censorship. In such a society people never get
to know the truth about the world we all live in.. Still in the face
of international disdain, they seek to overcome the more civilised
"free" societies and reverse their progress down to disgustingly
primitive levels - Yet independent democracies still do
business with them....
Individual on the planet is about to become a force to reckon
with. We as individuals - (the "consumers"
God forbid) - can combine strengths; can
create lobbies that can demand Change and
Justice; can expose
the truth of
what is really going on. This is what we are doing
now through the advent of the Internet - the Super Highway of
Information and this is also stimulating the activities of
various whistle blowers
both in the media and outside it. Sadly societies we always thought
were free and democratic seek to suppress truth and punish those who
dare to expose the lies and crimes.
Look at U-tube. Watch the people reveal what has been hidden
from minds thirsting for knowledge of what is causing the
problems. A simple search on Google for almost anything will
give you information galore.
So I have been collecting
some nice links and bits and pieces I felt useful in helping us
along in the right direction. It really is time for the real New
Age to BLAST OFF. This archive should EXPLODE as TIME