ARC Within Music
Art has more to do with the quality of communication than
"being valuable".
To communicate a reality with an
intended degree of affinity might be another way of putting it.
Without a degree of liking for the form of art, an individual or audience
cannot develop a reality about the art and go out of communication with it or in regards
to it.
A presentation intended as Art might be missed altogether by those
whose appreciation [ARC] for it is out of step with it.
People have their favourite forms of music and have less affinity for
others. I personally can't "appreciate" heavy metal and some country and western
music. As it has not been part of positive human experience for me, I haven't been
inclined to develop an affinity for it. Some forms of Art are like a "negative
musical form of Aromatherapy" simply reminding me of times, places, people or events
that I have no affinity for. I may have been in a "different" mood or
incompatible mood at the time.
A rc is three qualities that add up to understanding and willingness or
ability to "be" there to "do" something to "have" something.
Regarding music: If a "beginner" or student was to just take up
an instrument and play sounds until they became musical or
beautiful, one would soon be hearing a series of notes
that would be 'good to listen to'... the true beginnings of music. This would almost
immediately develop into what could be regarded as "one's own" music, and it
would be no less music than that created by an experienced or well known composer. There
may be a vast difference in
compositional quality,
but it would be, none the less, Music.
From that point on,
focusing attention and 'tuning in'.... creating ARC, develops not only a sense for music,
but creates music with 'listening results' far superior to
rote learning.