Creation Story
M usic is a form of
communication from an artist via an instrument
(including the voice or some other body part, I suppose). A musical communication can be
either originated, or be a sort of mimic or
relay of
someone else's communications. The real moment of composition is the
original communication.
is, in a sense, trying to mimic, or
duplicate the
composers origination. But certain composers creat music intending the performer to
interpret the 'original communication' as though the performance of it was indeed the
instrumentalist's 'original communication'.
Perhaps this interpretation, or 'artistic license',
may make a piece of music much more interesting. Perhaps certain listeners would prefer to
hear that quality about the music more than any other. In this case, the performer uses
the "carrier wave" of the composer's
origination to add his or her "characteristics";
without "taking-away" from the value of the "original communication".
Music for Your
Personal Universe Continued......
