This was the page that started it all........
. . . My Family Search . . .
Missing Persons |
- This
page was first Lodged on the Internet during March 1996 -
Family Search
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My name is David Rodney Broughton. Born in the
Lady Weigall Hospital in Barmera, South Australia on 31st
August, 1947.

Lady Weigall Hospital years ago... not UFO
My father is David Broughton. (no middle name). Born
21st March 1923 in Eston (Grangetown) Ormesby, Yorkshire. County of
York. England and whose parents were William Broughton and
Margaret Ellis.

1993 |
My Mother's birth certificate states... Gwendolyn
Josephine Dunstan, born on 17th June, 1929 in Broken Hill, NSW.
Australia. (The date on which I met
the love of my life, Dianne Parrott in 1989.... and on her sister's
birthday too)
But I knew my mother as Marie Turner at various times in
my childhood which I believed was her "stage name" - as a nightclub
singer and entertainer in Kings Cross of Sydney. Her Father was Cyril Montgomery Dunstan, though I
believe Gwendolyn continued to be a Broughton.... for me; she had
My parents were married on May 27th, 1946 at the Church of Christ in
Berri. New South Wales. Australia, where I suspect my mother had
My Mother and Father were very young when they
married. Mother was 16 and my father 22. I was born a year later. They
separated when I was around two and a half years old. I remember my baby
sister scooting around on the bedroom floor.
My sister, Wendy, was born perhaps
about a year later than me. My parents marriage was ended during the
early 1950s,
so I spent my childhood as I hoped my own child would not... away from
I always remembered my
mother as a very beautiful woman, particularly within. She had a huge
warm smile and a feeling
of love radiating from her, the memory of which has sustained me throughout my life.
She played the Hawaiian guitar and sang songs that had me
transfixed at the smoothness and emotional beauty of her voice.
I have one very amateurish photograph of her which I took when I was
16. This is it. My Mudder. Does she look familiar? Remember... This
photo was taken on a Kodak box camera at around 1965. I have had to
do a lot of photo editing to make it useable. The original took a
beating over the years.

around 1966 |
She may be going under the name Gwendolyn Josephine Dunstan,
Gwendolyn Josephine Broughton, Gwendolyn Maree Dunstan, Gwendolyn or
Gwen Broughton, Marie Turner. She was known for some time as Maree
(or Marie) Turner as she was a nightclub singer at the then Kellet
Street Nightclub in Kings Cross of Sydney...
My father was handsome and had a character I
never forgot. I looked up to him and thought he was a good man. He
rode a motorbike with sidecar and "played the spoons". His sense of
humour was an obvious and endearing personality characteristic.
He left me in the care of a small children's home
in the Adelaide Hills for about a year where I remember I turned 4
years old and learned that "if you eat meat - you will go to the
devil". I also learned how to turn the handle of a large milk
separator machine. I was fascinated with the science of it.
Unfortunately I was not allowed to receive the
present of a train with racks from my father for my 4th birthday. I
was dumped in a water pond on the property where rubbish was tossed
Soon after that my father David took me to a home in Adelaide at 11
Smith Street, Walkerville where I remember a life very similar to
those portrayed in the Boys Town movies starring Mickey Rooney.... and
I attended the Walkerville School.
It was at the Walkerville home I last had contact
with my father when I was about 6 or 7 years old at around Easter Time. He
left me a chocolate Easter Egg and Bunny during the night. For some
reason I woke in the dormitory - perhaps because I heard his voice
that night. I remember it well as I sat up in my bed in the dead of
night straining to listen to his words at the front door, but
being a child awakened from a sound sleep, I lay down again fell
back to sleep... and
perhaps from what I heard, I remember feeling sure I would never
"see" him again.
I was dead right.
I have been looking for my Father, Mother, Sister and any relatives for
many years - over 55 of them in fact.
I have not seen my Sister since the day of her 5th
birthday party somewhere around 1954-55 which may have been held in
Bundaberg or perhaps Berri, at the home of my mothers sister I knew as
Auntie Dulsie. Wendy was perhaps 1 or 1.5 years younger than me, and
probably still is.
At the birthday party I
disobeyed my mother who told me not to tell Wendy that I was her brother
and that my mother was really her mother. By then, Wendy regarded Auntie Dulsie
as her Mother.
I felt I had only this one
chance to throw out a lifeline. I secretly told a disbelieving Wendy
that I was indeed her brother and that one day I would find her... when
I grow up... Well I have been looking for my sister for over 30 years.
With the Internet I hope to do a little better.
But women disappear in our society. Don't they? They
get married and their identity is erased as they lovingly take on their
husband's name as their own. I think it was a tradition in Europe for
the woman's family name to be bracketed by her husband's name. So
my Dianne, if we married, would be known as Dianne Maree Parrott
Broughton...... I used the word "bracketed"...... like it is a legal
envelope; a security cloak; a claim upon each other - perhaps for
progeny purposes.
While I was visiting Sydney
down from Walcha (where I lived in the Ohio Boys Home) for the "Selection
Board" into the Army, (I was 15 years of age in late 1962), I had an
amazing experience.
Acting on a childhood memory, I
did what the Child Welfare Department could not do. I found my
Mother.... living in Surrey Street of Sydney's Kings Cross. Her life had been
She told me my father had
re-married and had two sons.

1993 |
My mother
and I separated company in February 1965-6 over a typical teenage
outburst of anger and protest that I have regretted to this day.
About a year later, I thought I
recognised her getting into a taxi one morning while I was waiting at a
bus stop in William Street, Kings Cross to go to work near the city (Sydney). The woman I was looking
at was dressed in a most unusual way and she stood out in the crowd. All
heads around me were turned in her direction as she appeared.
She caught
site of me and seemed to want to recognise me, but I was not sure who
she was and if it was me she was looking toward. In a moment I thought
it was my mother, but was overwhelmed suddenly by a wave of
embarrassment as I saw the way she was dressed and the state of her
health. I became immediately afraid to be recognised by all those
people around me as associated with this very strange looking
I just thought I would let
the moment pass and see her again some other time anyway... as I
thought I knew the place she may have been living from the direction
she rushed from. It was where the above photo was shot sometime
But she climbed into
a taxi so quickly, before I could process my thoughts, and it sped away
in the traffic flow. I have never forgotten her facial
expression as she threw her head back with a look of desperate-seeking
on her face in my direction only to see a sea of faces of the large
crowd. So suddenly the taxi disappearing down William
Street. It was only then I realised what I had done and that it really
was her and that I simply couldn't confront the situation. But when I began to reach out to wave, she was gone.
felt myself become heavy as I stood there feeling like a total fool. I
never saw her again and have hated myself for not dealing with that
moment. It WAS one of the 'deciding moments' of the rest of my life..

2022 |
If any one can help me locate each of
them or give me any suggestions or helpful, friendly,
constructive advice, please phone me on
Landline: 61 02 4934 4881,
0466 942 506
You can email me at -
diarbe at
(write the address
properly with @ instead of "at")
Thank you.
David Rodney Broughton
[Avidday Oughtonbray] [Latin]
PS: And if you have tried to
call me on the phone and was told I am not here.... please try again -
and again, till you speak to ME.
You may have been mistaken for a stranger.

- This
page First
Lodged on the Internet : March, 1996 - |
No responses to January, 1997
No responses to January, 1998
No responses to January, 1999
No responses to January, 2000
No responses to January, 2001
No responses to January, 2002
No responses to January, 2003
No responses to January, 2004
BUT....... |
Family Search
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Family Search-1
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Family Search-3
update history - Sept 2003 / Oct 2003 / Apr 2004 /Nov 2004 / Feb 2008 / Feb
/ May 2014 / Mar 2021 / Jun 2023