In Loving Memory of
Mavra Barley
my dear friend from my teen years
Artist, Dancer, Gemini

in 1969
after Psychiatric electro shock treatments and a subsequent
history of health difficulties which finally ended her life allegedly with skin
cancer in her early years.
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I will always remember her as a
mysterious and fun loving personality. Her persistence with developing
her artistic skills was relentless. Her gentle personality, her studies
into the occult and magick and appreciation for so many interesting
studies on human nature stood her away from all that many thought of as
"normal" in the 1960s. It is sad to realise no one has made any
effort to preserve her life's work and play for posterity. Collecting it
now may be a most daunting task. She was
ahead of her time too. Sometimes she preferred to be known as Deon Barkley
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If you
can volunteer any information about Mavra, please email me.
