About my SY99
the ultimate FM/AWM music
"It was hard
for me to believe that such
an instrument exists. I would say that,
in Australia around the 1990s, there was only a minority of musicians, let alone
composers who knew of it's existence. Those I met who had heard of it
but never seen
one, like so many muso's, they "know it all" after I'd mention a few familiar
hardware characteristics. When I demonstrated it to them, it was
another story. They were amazed at the tone, the
sensitivity, the control and the response.
I've actually been learning about the
SY99 since August 1991. At the time I had little or no real knowledge about music beyond the very
basics. I could read notes on a page but it was almost too much for me to actually play a
piece from music except after a heck of a lot of practice... in fact I
still don't have a great
affinity for written music. Makes me a bit limited as a musician
doesn't it... but I might get it
together eventually.
Since 1991, due to the actual
structure and design facilities of the SY99, I have composed really a lot of music. Some good and
some, not so good. But anything I think you might enjoy will be eventually edited for
release on CDs.
The music for all my
albums was composed directly on the SY99 keyboard and recorded as the
compositions unfolded. Each song was started with a continuous flow of
recorded notes that blended into the keyboard one track at a time. The
recordings were manually edited from within the keyboard, and each
edition saved and numbered as a "session". Accompanying tracks were
added at the right time, and the editing and 'arranging' cycle repeated
till the song was made near as clear as the spirit intended.
I have enabled you to listen to a few
full song samples - enough for you to find out if
my style of
music is to your liking."
