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Personal Universe Music

Composed Ad Lib by Australian Composer

David R Broughton






Ah huh. I see I have a visitor.... you heard the music did you?

Diarbe Music

presented through

Davina Records






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New-Age Ambient-Classical Music

Ambient Music : "Ambient is more of a dreamy exploration and astral travel through amazing dimensions within the mind."  Synth Guru.

New Age Music : "New Age is likened to spiritual enlightenment. It's a positive uplifting music that's great for meditation and inner healing."   Synth Guru

Personal Universe Music :  "Makes you feel at home in our own space. It helps you to feel connected and comfortable about who you really are. It reveals and describes your true nature. You discover that the point of the music is the music itself. It is as beautiful as you are."   Diarbe

The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils.
The motions of his spirit are dull as night,
And his affections dark as Erebus.
Let no such man be trusted.

-William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

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Davina Records
Maitland  NSW  2320  Australia

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The man that hath music in himself,
And is moved with concord of sweet sounds,
Is worthy of friendship, responsibility, and success.
The motions of his spirit are bright as day,
And his affections light as Elysium.
Let such a man be trusted.

-David R Broughton (1947-2022)

"I believe the world needs music like mine.... just so that the hearts of men do not die."

"Never regret anything that made you laugh or smile." - Diarbe

"We are the music makers, We are the dreamers of dreams."
Arthur O'Shaughnessy

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It's me... this shot taken in 1994, when First Light of Mind arrived. I was living in Epping of Sydney

The music seemed to materialize on the SY99 Keyboard when my fingers touched the keys. It was easy to use and when I was in a right mood... No... was in THE right mood... what came out sounded quite nice. I saved it as I played, and pretty soon I had found that most of the music collection I had created was worth listening to.

So I tried to get an interested publisher, but after 10 years I gave up on that idea and so digitally edited some of the best pieces and created a website to share it. My girlfriend who was my Muse, helped me make a first CD... which at the time with my lack of experience, failed to go any where. I gave more away on promotional actions with radio stations and as consignment stock to retailers. THAT was not successful. None paid me. So I let the project slide while I enjoyed creating music. It has been an interesting journey from there.



It's me yet again... this shot taken in 1998. Yes. Things changed a little.
(a little... If you know what I'm sayin')

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Beware... This can happen to you!.... I was oblivious to the change till this picture was taken... Well why fight it?  Obviously not only water has gone under the bridge...  But it feels comfortable... and I can cook now....
around Dec 2002.


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So... I  didn't listen to my own advice.
I just had to keep going at it - dwelling in "The Grave-yard of The Internet".
So this is to show you what you've done to me while I waited for you to buy my music. HA-HA.
Well you can still order CDs now and I hope to add the music to Vinyl records in the near future.

About this Diarbe Music

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