It's me... this shot taken in
1994, when First Light of Mind arrived. I was living in
Epping of Sydney
The music seemed to
materialize on the SY99 Keyboard when my fingers touched
the keys. It was easy to use and when I was in a right
mood... No... was in THE right mood... what came out
sounded quite nice. I saved it as I played, and pretty soon I
had found that most of the music collection I had
created was worth listening to.
So I tried to
get an interested publisher, but after 10 years I gave up on
that idea and so digitally edited
some of the best pieces and created a website to share it. My girlfriend
who was my Muse, helped me make a first CD... which at
the time with my lack of experience, failed to go any where.
I gave more away on promotional actions with radio stations
and as consignment stock to retailers. THAT was not
successful. None paid me. So I let the project slide while I
enjoyed creating music. It has been
an interesting journey from there.