And There's More

2022 - A - B - C - D

Since that time many things have happened.

Expanding my website into the Personal Universe pages, I included a "My Family Search" page in 1996 and appealed for any information that might help find my mom and dad and my sister from my past...

Because of this page, in 2004, I discovered I have a half brother, who found my sister, Wendy, and my dear old Father whom I had no contact with since I was about 5 years old. My father was in his eighties and figures he was going to last a lot longer. So I decided I could too. The significance of the dates 1947 to 2022 faded in importance as I found my old father living past 82 years of age.

Sadly, after I travelled down to Adelaide to meet him and my sister, he wrote to me saying he wanted his life to remain as it was. After a 30 year relationship with his partner now deceased, and a lifetime of believing that I had died of pneumonia as a child, me turning up so late in his life was too much for him - according to an "anonymous letter" which I assumed was from him and for which I had to sign for at the post office, asking me to leave him be.... So I have left him in peace as I believed I would meet him again "in the afterlife" where all would be revealed anyway.

My half brother, Robert, had found my father after 50 years of me having no clue as to his existence or whereabouts. He was searching for his birth parents and found me. For me: since 1966. For him... well he never knew he was adopted till his adoptive parents died, and for him, his mother missing, has weighed heavily on him since realising he had lived his life as an adopted child.

But our mother is still missing for the three of us. Wendy has a family and didn't open up to me very much after I had visited her in Adelaide, so I don't know a lot about her and how she feels about Gwendolyn or David.... except she likes so much privacy it feels like a crime to even mention her name. But I missed her all my life and thought meeting her would complete my life. But that was not to be too. She also thought I had died as a child too. So I was really like some kind of impostor in their lives. But even taking the few photos I did under so much protest from both of them, at least gave me a small collection of picture memories that I cherish very much.

After 1996, many economic changes occurred with the CD industry in Australia. The change in import "restrictions" destroyed the value of music CDs in Australia as a flood of music and a healthy CD piracy industry followed. Then the Internet evolved into a vital part of our lives and so another blow to my dreams washed the music CD project almost out to sea.

The Internet nearly destroyed the CD as the means of "selling" music by creating a monopoly on music sales channeled from online download companies. It seems, very conveniently, in the process, it has dropped probably most music from the ages into an oblivion so far as the paying consumer was concerned.

Shifting HTML over to HTML 5, to encourage Mobile Phone and tablet use, I have no doubt was intended for the music download market, and in the process ruined the traditional means for Independent Music makers and home grown webpage designers from making their creations easily accessible to the world. HTML 4 was simple and html editors such as Microsoft FrontPage made easily created web pages. But the training in HTML 5 is nothing short of a nightmare with personal web pages being forgotten and abandoned as the Internet was being turned into a Commercial place, which will eventually drown out non commercial sites altogether.

The appearance of mobile devices not only gave a monopoly for music download companies internationally who made moves to appear to be protecting artists from the free distribution of music through peer to peer sharing. In fact, it stole away the means of getting Independent Music distributed in a way that provided an income. CD sales died while the download monopolies made a fortune and unknown artists were submerged under the noise.

Over a period of 20 years, the accepted norm is now to pay for music for a very narrow channel of supply, as music and CD shops are pretty much all gone now. Though there was always a great willingness for musicians and composers to share their creations without considerations of money, the "downloaders" have made it the only option. So YouTube is now the place for so much free music you can drown easily.  And so making money from composer music is now virtually impossible unless it is commercial crap or showmanship. To me music was what I heard and felt. Not what I saw. Music creates inner visualization, whereas most modern "music" is "look at me" stuff for young hormone driven "hopefuls" AND "successfuls", depending on clever video presentations. Entertaining, and even brilliant, but as it's not really just the music, I am forced to become a video producer as well now.

HTML 4 is still useable but HTML 5 is definitely more suited to mobile devices. The main outcome is that the rug has been pulled out from under the traditional music world by seducing the newer generations with the devices that satisfy their feeling of owning music in their hands... which they don't really. The available choice of music genera is centered around a modern style of music that has removed any appreciation for music outside that limited selection of genera available for download, and has been made purchasable each time you hear it.

Yes. You-Tube arrived and though it is my favourite Internet go to for information, entertainment, news and music of all kinds, it is all given away free of charge. To get your music out there now you have to become a video maker and editor as well and there is no guarantee of any kind of money appearing any way. Never the less I have to admit the Internet is a superhighway of mind food, the likes of which was unimaginable before 1990, and I sure do use it a lot.

Now that Covid 19 virus has come onto the world scene, it remains to be seen how much YouTube will save the sanity of millions who have access to the Internet - though without it, it seems that music and all that the world has had to offer over the last 100 years would be in the balance.

Covid 19 had me thinking though. As I wrote this I was in home isolation. So frankly, I thought I would like to be around to see "the wonders of the new world" post Covid 19, assuming that enough of us learn and balance our Karmic lessons. I know I sure do have a heck of a lot more work to do yet.

I wondered if 24th April 2020 would pass without incident. It did - though I thought I experienced covid and got through it with Dianne's help and a long time, not feeling so good, in bed.

In my solo auditing during 1989, using a technique much like visualizing or exercising extended sight, I "intuited" that my daughter Claire was destined to have a stroke - which I found years later, in 1997, she did have - at around her 15th year.

And I saw Dianne who I had just met then in 1989, being associated with Mental Health for years in the future. This was the LAST thing I thought could happen around me as an Independent Scientologist at the time of this "premonition".

It was eleven years later that it happened. The task of bringing Dianne through numerous disastrous events due to Psychiatry and Centrelink over the years from 2021 all but reduced the music project which she inspired, into a hobby - so that I had no "space" to develop it into a financial success. But of course I couldn't abandon her. She was and still is the love of my life, so I "had to be seen" as her Carer. After all, it was Dianne that started me on the music path with her generous gift of the SY99 in the first place - a composers musical instrument far beyond what I would have ever expected to afford or be gifted by anyone. She sure cared enough about me to do this while she was able to..

From the beginning the music production exploded like a supernova. The thing is that the music was composed from the heart directly onto the keyboard, track by track. Being able to record it as it was directly created on the SY99, I was able to capture the emotion and the love I was experiencing for Dianne. She was my muse and so many themes simply expressed how I felt; the experience of the music source in the Theta Universe. There were times she had run away and I had to keep my tone up; to remain in the "exterior state", immersed in the Spiritual Space that is the music source. The music materialized and recorded (saved in real time) helped to do that.

Surviving on the pension, I had to keep a car on the road to drive hundreds of kilometers to find her and manage to bring her home from Queensland or the ACT. She seemed to live in fear all the time and this happened only after psychiatry had connected to her. Sometimes I had to live in a caravan park or sleep in the car to manage the process of finding her and mending the affinity breaks she kept experiencing that separated us.

It is now 2022. She is living free of psych medications by her choice, with my constant and dedicated care, though we have "officially" had to live apart for years, thanks to Centrelink that would reduce our pensions by around $200 a fortnight if we "officially" lived together. The withdrawals from the medication has been pretty hideous and stressful, with family members wanting to return her to the drugs rather than helping her recover the real and natural life she desires. Covid added another complication and this is something that worries me still, as at the time of these "sessions" back in around 1991, I "saw" the influence of what I could only interpret as "the plague" having its effect on our lives in the distant future.... which curiously enough is now.

With these words I hope the last of my "visions" do not come to pass at all. But that story will have to be on the "wait and see" list. I am talking about Dianne's future. Unfortunately I never made anything like the expected income from the music project and now I fear that when I leave her alone in the world, the vultures will descend on her. I thought a decent inheritance might give her an advantage but I have not been able to dissuade fate. So I invest in lottery tickets and focus on the stock market for possible success.

And so I pray that God will help her through the remaining years she has to live without me by her side in the flesh. I have done my best. Hopefully the music composed as part of those years of devotion and coping, will comfort her if or when I am no longer around.

Finally I recall telling a friend back before 1989 that the earth had 5 thousand years left. Things would come to an end at that time.

NOW WHAT ?!?!?!


So .....

The man that hath music in himself,
And is moved with concord of sweet sounds,
Is worthy of friendship, responsibility, and success.
The motions of his spirit are bright as day,
And his affections light as Elysium.
Let such a man be trusted.

-David R Broughton (1947-2039 !!!!!!)

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