"The Pen is mightier than the sword"

Most people of the Earth do not know there is a war going on that involves every man, woman and child in the world from around 1972 onward.

Before that year, in 1946, the world had come out of what become known as the Second World War, a period where a concerted effort was made to save the Earth from a holocaust that was under way that it may never have recovered from had this concert not occurred.

In 1947 events took place that were to mark a new phase in the battle and in 1950 a book was released that fundamentally changed the world as it slept under the false impression that The Real War was over.

The promise of this book was a New Age of understanding about the Human Condition and an introduction to the Real Final Solution.

But though the battle known as the Second World War was over, various intervening events given less significance than the more represented European "Second World War", had yet to be recognised for their true natures.... the Pol Pot Regime in Cambodia, the Idi Amin Regime and the Congo atrocities to name but a few.....  Some may well be regarded as having been worse.

During the 1970s, the ongoing madness began to reveal its true nature recognisable through a new disguise which has signalled the beginning of the Third World War.

From 1964 the move to undermine the Real Final Solution had a devastating effect on the outward expression of the initial stages of that endeavour - through what was called The Church of Scientology on through to 1983.

But since the death or L Ron Hubbard and the destruction of many efforts to save the future, the enemies of Freedom stepped up their assault and managed to remain unrecognised and hidden from view into the new Millennium.

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For many years during the 1900s, the Church of Scientology protected by the Guardian Office was able to withstand the overt and covert operations and intent of Operation Ramrod to discredit and destroy Scientology and the organisations setup to deliver it.

While Hubbard completed the Tech Research Project, and monitored the situation, it was clear that the main plan was to eliminate L Ron Hubbard and take-over the Church placing it under the control of the US government.

The aim was to drive the Church "underground" so that the technology of auditing would disappear from sight... so that this advanced mental and spiritual technology would be perverted, brought under a new control, and thus used to control the populations of Earth for the next thousand years by an Elite, so maintaining it as a Prison Planet.

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While Hubbard was coping with a world wide full on attack known to insiders as aspects of the "Third World War Operation",  he was aging and unable to finally defend himself or his family from the effectiveness of actions that demolished his family, but he was spending the remaining years of his life working on his health and a plan to protect the Tech from the inevitable collapse of the entire system world wide. This plan appeared to have involved the now Late David Mayo who was his last auditor and the now Late Captain Bill Robertson who founded Ron's Org after LRH's death.

Meanwhile the enemy was putting the finishing touches on the final stages of the takeover of the church. It involved Hubbard's murder, the collapse of the Hubbard family and the elimination of Ron's chosen successors. The takeover of the Church and how it happened is the subject of many documents aiming to unravel the confusion about the time.

Amongst other things, a significant phase of the battle was the manipulation of the Legal System in USA to claim ownership of the new technology and its copyrights. Another was the demotion and elimination of key personnel, followed by a period of tech alteration and efforts to suppress its use and original form and existence. The  push was well under way by 1984 to turn the Organisation inside out so that its own ex-members would assist in the destruction of the Church occurred ongoing through 1984 toward 2010 and beyond.

From around 1984 the fate of the Scientology Project passed from it's founder into the hands of various LRH terminals who were aware of his failing health and vulnerability.

 (Sorry about the above links that have been rendered void as the material was "thoughtlessly removed". Efforts will remedy that situation soon as possible)

Upon Hubbard's death the enemy was successfully entrenched in the drivers seat of the Church of Scientology and restructured it without successful opposition into a new organisation that has steadily eroded the original Scientology technology and eliminated key personnel to undermine tech delivery and validity.

Operation Phoenix headed by Capt Bill Robinson was a main endevour that gave birth to The Freezone in around 1986. Many individual PreOTs lost their lives in the battle that has had many phases since then. Many other groups and individuals have stepped up the task of preserving the tech and though names have changed, it is reported that delivery of it has outstripped the delivery statistics of the old "Church". 

In the meantime the Real Enemy that undermined the "Mother Church" has made moves to align itself with orthodox medical practice and at the same time to focus public attention on "the cult phenomenon" which it created as one of the initial spear-heads to undermine existing organised "Spiritual" efforts of counter-attack.

The Church of Scientology was the main target though not the only target which, by 2010 was being rightly perceived across the world, by the help of the Internet, as a Cult and a Criminal Organisation.

Around this time The Tech was being preserved and saved in many places throughout the world by many "key persons"; those who were seen as leaders in the field outside of the cult. Many of these leaders mysteriously met their deaths in "hard to understand" circumstances.

(PS I continually find copies of these documents and will post links to them as I can.)

Former RTC Inspector General Jesse Prince discusses the death of L. Ron Hubbard

Robert Vaughn Young uncovers the extreme oddities surrounding Hubbard's death.

The Mysterious Death of L. Ron Hubbard

The death of The Pilot

In 2010 messages from Elron were being recognised following a few rarely circulated issues; one entitled "OTs are My Angels" and another "The Scientology Implant" amongst advanced FreeZoners and Independents. A new electronic bible preserving the complete works of the Standard Tech of Scientology appeared in the Freezone known as The Arcos de Veritas, at a time when many collections of LRH Tech were in danger of vanishing from accessibility after his alleged death in 1986.


to be continued ........

"Document the Truth" - L Ron Hubbard


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