The Birthday
Some Background

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Originated: 1998-01-08.
Latest Text Revision: 2020-01-16



My daughter Claire's birthday celebration, for me, arrived every 3rd October. She was born in 1977 and the relationship between us from the moment of her birth was unique., like most Fathers believe...... Many have wondered how a relationship between a father and a daughter could be so smooth and trouble-free. Perhaps only Twins would understand. But there were those who finally used this unique relationship to try to hurt me, through her. It has been called Black Magic by those I know who understood these things.

But now in 1997 it was her 20th birthday

October 3rd, 1997.

It was time for me to try once again to wish her happy birthday with a phone-call to the Scientology organisation in Sydney, in the hope that someone might pass on a message as they had not done for so many many long years.

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To be Continued.......


It occurs to me the question about the exact time of Claire's collapse... was she 16 or a minor, at 15. I have been frustrated in my efforts to find out specific details about her hospitalization due to so called "privacy laws". A friend told there would be serious charges of child abuse raised if the doctors knew of her circumstances if she was under 15. I have not been able to get this information from Claire as yet. Just talking about this period of time is way too upsetting for her.


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Layout update - Jul 2009
Links Re-organisation March 2004
Dialogue Edited March, 2004
Dialogue Edited June, 2001
Dialogue Edited February, 2000
Dialogue Edited 18th December, 1999
Originated  8th January, 1998

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a warning
clr001-hardest task
clr002-the OSA crime
clr003-the story begins