"And it is the hardest task to choose
the words to tell you about it, without inadvertently making you feel like all is
madness..... when it truly is not." .
A s you may have
guessed by the amount of preamble... This has been a very difficult project to start.
Due to circumstances having reached
such levels of horror
for me, and the
near impossible task of getting any help from Police both local and federal; and others
who I thought would have the moral fiber, perception and/or be in a position to do
something to help; to recognise the need for help..... I have decided to present the story
of events to the Internet
Community, as I am able, in spite of the pressures against me doing it... while I can.
no idea things would turn out this way. I always thought a crime was a
So I'll try to get started.

believed I was a
Scientologist from 3rd October,1964 (the very day I walked in the door)
and this enlightened association continued
through various ups and downs with the organisation, but I was true
to the Applied Religious Philosophy.
But from around the end of 1972
I gradually withdrew from having the desire to remain connected to
the group generally, as I saw that the organisation and many, many
people in it, were, or were becoming, what I can only describe as monsters.
It was not until 1984 that I
finally disconnected from the "church" of Scientology, leaving my de facto wife
who refused to not sign the Billion Years Sea Organisation contract that
I had managed to escape from, and because NSW Family Law, at the time, declared
that I had no rights to my ex-nuptial daughter... I had to leave Claire with her
I left the group... THE CARDINAL SIN !
S uddenly I was denied access to my
daughter when she most needed me, (and I most needed her,) at around 6 years of age.
I took the matter to the NSW Children's Court, and only managed to see Claire a
half a day a week which was a Saturday, the day I worked my trade as a seller at
the Paddy's Market. Yet Claire was not in the care of Janine who was separated
from her by her duties as a Sea Org Member. So Claire was shoved into an
institutional environment and from
then she was cruelly set upon, over time, by people with evil and revenge
toward me in their
hearts. The depths of their cruelty will be
revealed as I am able to confront talking about it.
From the treatment she received in
the infamous RPF, from an early age, she became an invalid after
escaping death soon after the age of 15, and was judged unfit to continue as a contracted
member of the Sea Organisation, and the best apology she received was to be dumped on
a Government disability pension -(not a pension paid by the cult)- perhaps for life.
She'd had collapsed with
Pnumonia and in hospital misdiagnosed with Lukemia and give chenotherapy during
which she collapsed needing a life support system. During this she had two strokes and
survived a long coma where doctors threatened to turn off the
life-support as she was clinically dead. Somehow she pulled through but could
not speak or walk and still, was left in the hands of cult members.
Yet from the moment I found
her, and found out
what had happened (in 1997) and sought help to bring the criminals to justice, no one has
stood up or come forward to help me, or her, in this so private war.
It is not as though I could lay my hands on anywhere near the kind of money that
would be needed for a legal challenge. Rather, my life was thrown into a
nightmare that has taken years to cope with.
It is going to take
some time to get all the information recorded and organised. But I have survived as Claire
has, and those who committed these crimes will be brought to justice eventually.
withstanding this, I am sure each of the perpetrators will have their turn in one kind
of torture chamber or another, for what they have done to Claire.

D ue to the
years of battle waged against me by the RTC (Religious Technology Centre) driven
Scientology war machine while they abused my daughter without
my knowledge, I want the whole story recorded,
as part of history, of the crimes perpetrated in the name of
the "Church of Scientology" and the "Sea Organisation".... The crimes
I am referring to, have been ignored by the
Australian Government, the Media and gone unnoticed by "outsiders" such as other Religious Groups,
Human Rights Organisations and Individuals, the "general public" - and
not least of all, the "ordinary" Scientology followers.
what has been done to Claire is comparable to cases such as the
Case, the
Susan Meister Case, and
others reported by the old
Factnet online group.
Claire is
still alive, but has had to live with the results of their
created nightmare on a daily basis, and will have to cope with the aftermath for the rest of her life.
S he
has regained her ability to walk and
talk, though her right arm is "a relatively useless appendage" and
she walks with a limp and twisted foot. Her mind is effected so that
she seems to have stayed at the mental level that she may have
perceived she last knew me.... I have to take care what I say here
as she is still alive and thought she cannot now read these words or
understand any of the subtleties of language we all take for
granted, (oh boy) I am trying to describe something quite outside
most people's experience who have not been confronted with such
conditions in a family sense. There is so much people take for
granted..... Unfortunately people see a lot of disabled people
around these days, and most assume "stroke" or "car accident" and
never think a child can be the victim of terrible mental, emotional
and pushed beyond
her endurance, leaving her in such a condition.
And since that moment when Claire was fighting
for her life in hospital, I was never contacted. Coincidently, from that time due to
the apparently mysterious collapse of every venture I have put hours of
solid work into; from product manufacture and retail ventures and
other valued services,
my resultant continued flirtation
with the welfare system has kept me in poverty for years.
I have been living on less than AUD $150 a week
for most of the
last 25 years)... So I have only my knowledge, my heart and my will to keep on keeping on
in the pursuit of justice and making things go right. And I continue to do this mindful of
the appalling ignorance in Australia about
the real "Church of
Scientology" and its objectives... and the
true nature of "Suppression".
I n Australia, except
where the
increasing pursuit of wealth, power and
personal greed is threatened, or if there is a cut in supply of something
like petrol, beer, or sport entertainment, or a bush fire burns down a
house built carelessly in locations that have no capability to
protect them when bushfires occur in this country regularly - just
as when the rains come , the water simply flows out to sea..... it has so far proved to me
nothing can get done for justice in this country without very large amounts of money being
I am writing my story in the hope that a few quick minds and
patrons of the arts, for example, might see some value in what I am doing with
my music, and may even buy my CDs or take an interest
in the music project even as a novelty. Anyone who buys even one music CD would be helping me
to finance the kind of objectives that may
save THEM from a similar "fate"... that I am still dealing
with, many years later with virtually NO RESULT.
said that, of course there is no obligation to the reader, or intent
for any feelings of emotional blackmail to be assumed. Just put
yourself in her shoes and see how it feels.
you read these pages, and in your twilight years, find yourself having suffered
a similar fate, spare
a thought for the day you read these words, and have a laugh about the
fact that you did nothing more, thinking it was just a good yarn. Well
I wish you good luck in dealing with it when it is your turn... and I am
quite sure you will have "a turn" whatever you think now. Email me when it
happens. If I am around, I could probably be in a better position to help you in
some way.

Layout update - Jul 2009 Links Re-organisation March 2004 Dialogue Edited March, 2004 Dialogue Edited
June, 2001
Dialogue Edited February, 2000 Dialogue Edited 18th December, 1999 Originated 8th January, 1998 |