Diarbe & Autumn's
Virtual Worlds


Second Life Photo Archives


Homeworld Archives 2013

During 2011, I had formed many rather emotionally close bonds with many SL residents who I learned so much from as well as experiencing unforgettable moments of shared virtual relationships.

Some left. Some stayed and I will never forget them. I couldn't take enough photos. Yes it IS a Second Life!

So moving into 2013 I had met Jojo, a very bright modern sort of person from Texas who really effected me with her wit and charm. She placed an amazing tree house near Diarbe Castle and taught me so much about building and experiencing things "in world".

Gradually the building became such an overwhelming interest that miracles were produced. I had become more interested in building than experiencing and managing the complexity of social  connections and I regretfully lost contact with friends over time, one by one. It was too hard to be so emotionally involved with "more than one person", and I feared I was hurting some feelings when it was not what was intended. Well that's how it effected me.

 As Arko11 and I had been moving into a greater building partnership, I was forced to abandon the half SIM as Piper, the SIM manager had to move on and was abandoning her involvement. Due to the high cost of SL she moved to another Grid. Through the Estate Manager running the SIM, an arrangement was made where the whole SIM became my first full SIM with Arko11 as my 50/50 financial partner.

I have been trying to recover a collection of photos that I have been able to recover from some of the more than useless hard drives I have had to contend with through the years. I hope you find them interesting. ( SL Residents )

This recreation of my history in SL will take some time, so there will be a lot of edits going on, It takes a long time to organise photos and videos and memories for such an adventure.

I hope my website inspires you to get involved for your own sake.


homeworld - diarbe_castle - 2013

homeworld - arko_castle - 2013


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