David R Broughton Photo Summary

Around 1950
Home Sweet Home

We lived in a tent apparently.

Around 1960
At Ohio Boys Home in Walcha

Around 1961
Best pair of trousers

Around 1988
Bellevue Hill Days

Around 1990
Just after I met Dianne

Around 1992 or 3
Visiting Taronga Park Zoo

Around 1993-4
The fat hand

Around 1993-4
On SY99 at Epping 

Around 1996
Moved to Maitland from Morpeth

Around 2001
Visiting Rob,
my new found half brother

Around 2002
Alone for a while 

Around 2004

Around 2004

and Around 2004

Still Around 2004

and Around

and Around

for Heaven's sake 2004

Still Around 2004

Ok I get it 2004

Well I am round 2004


later in 2004

I just had a Maccas burger.


PS:  Dates will be corrected when found wanting.
(the photos already wanting are at least dated anyway.)
Now I am wanting photos