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In Loving Memory of
John Martensen

My dear friend from my teen years 58 years ago till he passed over.

Artist, Philosopher, Intellectual, Humanitarian, Virgo, Dianetic Auditor and Perfect Host to friends who drop in for conversation over tea and biscuits..

Died in 2015
after a 6 months battle with cancer
and over 90 years of remarkable health and vitality.

A wonderful life from 1924 to 2015

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John will be remembered by so many friends it is amazing.
His life was a movie waiting to be made.

John was my best friend since I met him in 1963 when he lived at Brougham Street in Kings Cross. We had become associated with the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International at around the same time... and many years later departed it at the same time. He was a generous and kind person of unusually good character, who helped me through my explorative, turbulent teenage years. He was the mainstay of my personal circle of friends.

During those early years, every Sunday was get together day at his home where friends were greeted with "Good Evening and Salutations to you." He would stand tall, click his heels together and stroking his moustache with a grin from ear to ear and hands together in a prayerful way ask with a chuckle, "Would you like a cup of tea and a bikkie Broughton" and finish with the mocking laughter of a polite butler. Being polite was John's signature behaviour mode.

A group of friends gathered around the crackling logs and hot coals of his open fireplace to enjoy always, a variety of teas from a huge pot with Arnott"s Cream Biscuits and Chocolate Coated Oatmeal served with great conversations about art, literature, history, Magick, Esotericism and Scientology all to the tune of Yma Sumac or other major symphonic works. He created a safe haven for many of his bohemian friends.

He is always with us. I am never having tea and biscuits without him.

To be continued......

The kindest man with a heart of pure gold


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