November 2004
I had received this curious message on my mobile phone to check
out a website called Tribal I thought the message was from a friend
having fun with me; perhaps Kathy who
was very interested in genealogy. But before I could get to the net, another message from
someone by the name of Kevin appeared.... saying he might be related to me....
I ignored the first SMS
message, but when it appeared again, I was shocked to realise that
something was really happening - my family tree - It was....... growing
right before my eyes!!

Sat November 20th, 2004 :-
Accompanying me,
my 27
year old daughter Claire I met my half brother, Robert Smeallie,
face to face, .
We drove to Woy Woy where Robert and his wife, Jill, put on a really
tasty bar-B-que. Their teenage daughter, my niece, Charis [ Hey! Wow! I am an Uncle! ] was not
home for the evening, but my 10 year old nephew Stephen surprised me with his bright eyed
nature. The many photos of the extended family Robert was able to supply me with, were
mind boggling. He has really been busy.

Sun November 21st, 2004 :-Phoned by Cousin Veronica. Had a long phone conversation.

Tue November 23rd, 2004 :-Phoned by Auntie Eva, Mum's sister. Had a long phone
conversation from 8:45pm to 11:58pm. She is a very young 82 years of Age.
Sun December 5th, 2004 :- A surprise phone call from Wendy Maslin, my sister. We had a
relatively short conversation covering important details and said I would call her back
from a landline phone later in the day.
But later I received an SMS message that she was going out
for a drink... "needing one" she said laughing, and would I call back next night.