Painters Must Wake
Painters must
wake with the dawn To be Shown what the palette is composed of The dawn The dark grey canvas parting To reveal At first Clouded blue and pink to apricot Which becomes A golden apricot fire On the horizon And builds gold The gold then to brilliant orange What must the sages understand from it The unfolding of these colours Taking their reading of the day. From brilliant orange to Burnt Umbria In places As if descending to earth Coppery. The copper has risen up the trees now from The horizon With something dark And out of Africa With leopards waiting In the trunks And ready to spring Soon it will be time for everyone to plan their day. The apricot is brilliant lit Heavenly With white light (Paler by comparison) I look across The great green African plains And there are great sweeps of pink On blue above As if the artist had already started work Lovingly Now the apricot has gone to clouds And is gold lit By gold Genie I walk out the door There is an opalescent Sea Just beyond the trees, Just through them. Its all lavender and pink And there's a willy-wagtail Blue breaking through There is turquoise and bright light blue The day And brilliant gold fire on the horizon. The emerald lawn has shot up Where the African plain had been The day is now gold and green Two cranes fly over The yellow gold brilliant in the middle (Of the plain) The emerald below And the lavender sky above With white cloud streamer rays As if the sun had been stretching its fingers there And left an impression. Now the gold disc Powerful Beaming at me Dazzling to blindness The sun as if out of Egypt Its rays refracted in the glass Making a golden stairway Now the risen white disc Dazzling The day is now upon us........... |
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Dear Dianne = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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