Diarbe & Autumn's
Virtual Worlds


Genesis Metaverse


Considerations of economy led me to explore the options of other virtual worlds, which for a very long time I didn't know existed. I thought Second Life was "it".

I tried several and found that Genesis Metaverse was at the time run by a remarkable person who made me feel sure it was the place to be. The almost ridiculously low tariff was very attractive indeed, and I found the visual experience of Genesis to be almost equal to Second Life, so I gave it a go.

I started with a whole SIM which gave me an astounding number of prims to work with; far more than Second Life for the price, and found it a perfect opportunity to recreate a new version of Diarbe Castle...

The rebirth of a new "Homeworld" has presented opportunities to do things that have not been tried, but due to the very early stage of development of Genesis, many many script-embedded objects were not available as yet.

There are so many photos (screen captures) taken with the viewer photography tool that are organised in a date sequence of my Genesis adventure - as I did with Second Life.


Genesis Metaverse Archive


02-Second Life     02-Inworldz     03-Genesis
     04-Digiworldz    04-Neverworld