This was a revisiting of the "Square
House" I had acquired from some unknown and un-acknowledged
builder and had edited and adjusted the basic form into
something I was becoming pleased with.
Here in the first form of
HOMEWORLD, I decided to set it up with even MORE use of the
artistic license I had carried over from Pengos with me.
But by the time I had got a certain
way into it, and Ivory Sweet Pleasure Raine, on a
section of the estate set aside for her,
had near brought her build up to
perfection, I found the SIM owner had decided to close up
the SIM she managed.
This meant we had to leave the lot
that was not captured in photos or videos of the build,
to disappear and to take up a
place in our memories.
Still, all the items that appeared in
the SIM were actually a projection of what was listed in my
Inventory, so all the items and anything related to what was
projected onto a virtual world were all still there for a
new adventure to blossom in a new arena.
So with my new friend Arko, decided
we would look for a good SIM price and start all over again.
Arko who had become a financial partner in the project
agreed that Ivory would be welcome to setup again on our new
SIM too.